In the Digital word, if you don’t have a website, it means you are running too back. Let me tell you that today’s time, it is not hard to get a site. You can get a domain and host in less than $100 for a year and set up a website. Now coming to how to setup your website, there are different CMS like WordPress, Joomla, etc. and both have the amazing creative template available in the market. So choose any CMS Template and upload to your host and then replace their content and graphics with yours. Boom, your website is ready to go live.
In this post, we are going to discuss, 10 best creative Joomla Template which you can use to build your online empire. So have a look on these templates.
10 Creative Responsive Joomla Templates
JD Chicago Template

JD Chicago Joomla Template
JD Chicago is powered by using popular Joomla framework T3, which provides more flexibility in our responsive Joomla template. T3 makes this template easy to use and install, customize and configure.
Why is JD Chicago template good to use?
- It is a responsive template used freely on any gadget.
- It has fully SEO friendly layout.
- It supports all the default Joomla layouts like category, content, 404, contacts and more.
- It’s fully supporting 3rd party extensions like Kunena, Ohanah, K2, Jevent, Virtuemart, Hikashop, RedShop, and many others.
- It has designed by including awesome video background.
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JD Atlanta Template

JD Atlanta Joomla Template
JD Atlanta Template is a multipurpose and fully compatible template with Joomla latest version 3.6.5. It has greater than 16 content sections on the home page and attractively designed other pages about us page, Typography, 404 page, Module Positions, Blog and much more.
Why is JD Atlanta template good to use?
- It can show your recent posts on the top of the website.
- It supports 3rd party extensions such as K2, Kunena, Ohanah, Jevents, Virtuemart, RedShop, and many others.
- It has AcyMailing permits you to gather emails and send newsletters.
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Ares Murphy Template

Ares Murphy Joomla Template
Ares Murphy Template is creative, multipurpose and user-friendly 3.6+ Joomla template used by web agencies, graphic/UX experts, designers, individual professionals such as bloggers, and others who require online presence, personal site, resume, portfolio or blog.
Why is Ares Murphy template good to use?
- It has Instagram Gallery addon for effective networking.
- It has five template variations named as Blog, Resume, portfolio, photography and individual.
- It has an amazing portfolio with different filtering and design options.
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Macro Template

Macro Joomla Responsive TEmplate
Macro is a great multi-purpose Joomla 3 template. It has the top-notch designs used for product page, small business and creative portfolio site. It is helpful in meeting the requirements of almost every project, accommodated by experts and new users.
Why is Ares Macro template good to use?
- It has an SP Page builder used to express your creativity.
- It is powered by a Helix3 used to experiment with the different layouts variations.
- It has 700 Google fonts and 600 font icons used to design an awesome website.
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Softapp Joomla Template
Softapp is a quickly adapted Joomla template to any gadget used to create blogs, gallery, and forum. It is very effective to all types of organizations as it provides multipurpose functions.
Why is Softapp template good to use?
- It has HTML plus JS and Parallax animations.
- It includes many services such as Alternative Module Layouts, Sortable Gallery, Tabs, Tag Cloud, Tooltips, Back To Top Button, Commenting System, Favicon, Google map, Google Web Fonts, Modules Bundle Install, Quickstart Package, Sample content, Crossbrowser Compatibility, Dropdown Menu, Social Options, and Sliced PSD.
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Sailing Yacht and Charters Joomla Template
Sailing Yacht and Charters is a powerful template used to inform about the sailing business by using Boathouse Joomla theme. It allows beautiful yachts backgrounds, Parallax animation and sea toner for highlighting your website.
Why is Sailing Yacht and Charters template good to use?
- It provides services such as the Advanced theme options, Alternative Module Layouts, Dropdown Menu, Favicon, Google map, Crossbrowser compatibility, Sortable gallery, Tooltips, Tag cloud, Commenting system and Sample content.
- It supports HTML plusJ5 animations
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Regan Tech
Regan Tech is an amazing designed themed Joomla template used to showcase technology news and e-commerce solutions in very great ways to the clients.
Why is Rogan tech template good to use?
- It is designed by adding S5 snipcart module used to give an easy eCommerce solution.
- It has 104 collapsible core positions.
- It has 8 custom suffixes, 2 custom highlight colors, and 1 custom highlight font
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Health Guide Template

Joomla Template By Shape5
Health Guide is a feature-rich Joomla template created in favours of doctors, hospitals, and many other small sorts of businesses.
Why is Health Guide template good to use?
- It is designed by adding enable and disables uppercase letters, sub menu arrows, and top row.
- It has 104 collapsible core positions.
- It has 16 custom suffixes, 2 custom highlight colors, and 1 custom highlight font
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Finance Template

Themexpert Joomal Template
Finance is 100% responsive template designed with the multiple heading and page variations. It is helpful to create a website for your financial, agency and consulting purposes.
Why is Finance Template good for you?
- It has the advanced Mega and off canvas menu.
- It has the amazing project portfolio and effective drag and drop layouts.
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Biznes Template

Business Joomla Template
Biznes is the unique responsive Joomla template perfect for any business and agency website. It has the amazing effects and drag & drop page builder used by any type of business.
Why is Biznes good for you?
- It has pre-set home pages used very quickly.
- It has effective portfolio elements used to showcase the business very easily.
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